Temporary Storage / Customs Warehousing

Picture showing temporary storage and warehousing facilities offered by ALSPicture showing temporary storage and warehousing facilities offered by ALS
Picture showing temporary storage and warehousing facilities offered by ALSPicture showing temporary storage and warehousing facilities offered by ALS

When do you need temporary storage / customs warehouse?

For Duty Unpaid Goods
Deferred Duties
Short / Long-Term Storage

Customs Warehousing

Warehousing knows no time limit

Customs warehousing enables non-territory goods to be stored in a designated location within the customs territory without being subject to import duties or other charges relating to the import of goods or to commercial policy measures (e.g. import licences). Goods can be entered into the customs warehouse procedure by direct import, by transfer from another warehouse or transfer from another special procedure.




Approval from the customs authority is required to operate storage facilities for the customs warehousing of goods. The requirements to obtain such authorisation are:

  • To be established in the customs territory
  • To provide the necessary assurance of the correct conduct of the operations and;
  • To provide a guarantee where a customs debt or other charges may be incurred

Temporary Storage

Take time to decide

If goods are brought into a customs territory with no duties having been paid, they are placed into temporary storage until they are subject to a customs procedure or re-exported. Goods must be subject to a customs procedure or re-exported within 90 days following their entry into temporary storage.

When in temporary storage, the customs supervision of the goods is ensured, as they are stored in an authorised temporary storage facility or at any other place designated or approved and controlled by the customs office where the goods are presented.


No direct duty burden
ALS authorised temporary storage facilities

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Woman supporting customers with customs clearance enquiriesWoman supporting customers with customs clearance enquiries
Woman supporting customers with customs clearance enquiriesWoman supporting customers with customs clearance enquiries