Standard Clearance

High-quality clearance – for you and your customers

Loading of goods ready for transitLoading of goods ready for transit
Loading of goods ready for transitLoading of goods ready for transit

Benefits of using ALS

What to expect

Personal Contacts
Fast Clearance
International Network
Duty Deferment



Importing goods presents many companies with major bureaucratic and financial challenges. The goods must be declared in accordance with the regulations, and any customs debts incurred must be paid in advance or security provided before the goods are released.

We submit the obligatory import declaration and supporting documents to the customs authorities on your behalf. We can also provide financial services to pay the necessary duties, excise and taxes to customs authorities.


Use of Preferences

Applying financial advantages

Preferences that are used correctly offer financial advantages, but it is not always easy to obtain them. Together, we can examine your supply chains to ascertain the conditions under which you can claim such preferences, which could be decisive in the choice of suppliers and may enable you to procure your raw and auxiliary materials as cheaply as possible.
At the same time, your third-country customers appreciate being able to purchase from you in more favourable conditions. 


leaving a customs territory

Although most exports are duty-free, our experience proves that export controls, such as embargoes, restrictions and trade policy measures, are not well understood.

Customs Simplifications

Quick and easy clearance without delays

Customs authorisations

Reduced paperwork and regulations

Comprehensive support and advice

We ensure a smooth process for goods leaving a customs territory. Our advisors and operational teams are in close contact with you, the authorities and any other parties involved in the process at all times. Data is exchanged seamlessly to the next responsible party, which enables us to ensure the fastest possible clearance and transmission of export documents. 

  • Management of physical customs controls
  • Revision of required export documents
  • Export control
  • Monitoring 




Transit clearance offers a simplification of customs processes when ‘duty unpaid’ goods have to cross several countries between the contracting parties.
This simplification means that a new export and import declaration need not be submitted at each border, but only at the start and end of the journey. A transit procedure enables the temporary suspension of duties, taxes and commercial policy measures.
As an authorised economic operator (AEO), we can complete the appropriate transit declarations and provide financial services to cover the required security.


Need Help with Customs Clearance?

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We're here to simplify your customs clearance process.

Reach out to us for personalized support and solutions.

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Group of employees discussing work ideasGroup of employees discussing work ideas
Group of employees discussing work ideasGroup of employees discussing work ideas